Investment in $$$ turns into TMV-Points, that you can REDEEM back into $$$ in HIGHER FUTURE INVESTMENTS
P.ej. A 195 EUR investment in the '360 DIAGNOSIS & VIP ACTION PLAN' turns into 195 TMV-Points.
You can reedem them when buying the 'BOOTCAMP INTENSIVE' value 495 EUR, that you get for 300 Eur (495 Eur - 195 TMV-Points)
When you invest 495 EUR in the 'BOOTCAMP INTENSIVE' you get 495 TMV-Points
You can redeem them in 'CREATE A VIP IRRESISTIBLE OFFER' so you get the GROUP Program for 1500 EUR or the 1:1 for 3500 EUR
SAVE MONEY HACK: You can do the 3 programs for the price of 1